SIEMENS西门子 SIMOTICS SD低压电机 1LE0 001-3BB23-3JA4
① 系统垂直安装② 系统水平安装下表给出了通道组态为“3 个输入,13 个输出”时每个负载组的标准化总电流计算。在附录中提供模块在安装轨道上的尺寸图,以及带前面板的尺寸图。务必遵守在控制柜、控制室等地方安装时的具体尺寸要求。参数数据记录 B可以在 RUN 模式下编辑模块参数。 WRREC 指令用于将参数传送到使用数据记录 128的模块中。如果在使用 WRREC指令传送或验证参数期间发生错误,模块将使用之前的参数分配继续操作。相应的错误代码随后将写入 STATUS 输出参数。 如果未发生错误,STATUS输出参数将包含实际传送数据的长度。有关 WRREC 指令的说明和错误代码,请参见 STEP 7 在线帮助 (TIA Portal)。数据记录的结构下表给出了 TM Timer DIDQ 16x24V 的数据记录 128 的结构。 字节 0 到字节 3中的值是固定的且不可更改。下表给出了可以在相应数字量输入的通道参数中进行设置的计数属性。
硬件使能(HW 使能)可以通过使能输入为工作模式“Timer DI”和“Timer DQ”使用硬件使能。可通过相应通道参数的位 4 设置硬件使能。可以为以下输入和输出设置硬件使能:表格 B- 3 硬件使能选项数字量输入/数字量输出 设置硬件使能的数字量输入...DI0 或 DQ0 DI1DI2 或 DQ2 DI3DI4 或 DQ4 DI5DI6 或 DQ6 DI7使用使能输入“工作模式”和“反转”信号输入的通道参数设置硬件使能:表格 B- 4 使能输入设置选项工作模式 “反转输入信号”设置为...0 1Oversampling(0010B)通过高电平设置硬件使能 通过低电平设置硬件使能Timer DI (0000B) 仅使用 SIMOTION 控制系统时工艺模块 TM Timer DIDQ 16x24V (6ES7552‑1AA00‑0AB0)72 设备手册, 08/2014, A5E34078542-AA输入滤波器以下总览显示了可以针对数字量输入的特定工作模式进行设置的输入滤波器:表格 B- 5 输入滤波器设置选项数字量输入的工作模式 输入滤波器的类型 可分配值• Timer DI (0000B)• Oversampling (0010B)输入延迟 • 无• 0.05 ms• 0.1 ms• 0.4 ms• 0.8 ms• 计数器 (0011B)• 增量编码器(A、B相移)(0100B)滤波频率 50 kHz(无法更改)工艺模块 TM Timer DIDQ 16x24V (6ES7552‑1AA00‑0AB0)设备手册, 08/2014, A5E34078542-AA 73Open Source Software C经销商须知:为避免经销商或买主违反许可证条件,必须将此处提供的说明和许可证条件传递给买主。开源软件以及其它授权软件的许可证条款和免责声明下列开源软件以及“SIMATIC S7-1500, ET 200MP的数字量模块、模拟量模块、工艺模块、通信模块和电源模块”中的其它授权软件需以未经修改或经我们修改的形式进行使用,Siemens AG 版权所有,2013-2014(以下称为“产品”)。对开源软件承担的责任“开源软件”免费提供。我们将遵照“产品”的适用许可证条款对“产品”以及其中所包含的“开源软件”承担相应责任。但明确排除在“产品”专用程序流程之外使用“开源软件”时的一切责任。此外,对于对“开源软件”进行修改所造成的缺陷,我们也不承担任何责任。“产品”一经修改,我们即不再对其提供任何技术支持。请阅读“开源软件”和其它授权软件的许可证条款和版权信息:Component Open SourceSoftware[Yes/No]AcknowledgementsCopyright Information /FileDinkumware C/C++Library - 5.01NO LICENSE ANDCOPYRIGHTINFORMATION FORCOMPONENTDINKUMWARE C/C++LIBRARY - 5.01工艺模块 TM Timer DIDQ 16x24V (6ES7552‑1AA00‑0AB0)74 设备手册, 08/2014, A5E34078542-AAComponent Open SourceSoftware[Yes/No]AcknowledgementsCopyright Information /FileGNU GCC libstdc++/ libsupc++ - 4.4.1YES LICENSE ANDCOPYRIGHTINFORMATION FORCOMPONENT GNUGCC LIBSTDC++ /LIBSUPC++ - 4.4.1libgcc - 4.4.1 YES LICENSE ANDCOPYRIGHTINFORMATION FORCOMPONENTLIBGCC - 4.4.1Commercial Software: Dinkumware C/C++ Library - 5.01Enclosed you'll find the license conditions and copyright notices applicable forCommercial Software Dinkumware C/C++ Library - 5.01工艺模块 TM Timer DIDQ 16x24V (6ES7552‑1AA00‑0AB0)设备手册, 08/2014, A5E34078542-AA 75License conditions:1 Copyright (c) 1991-1999 Unicode, Inc. All Rights reserved. This file is provided as-isby Unicode, Inc. (The Unicode Consortium).No claims are made as to fitness for anyparticular purpose. Nowarranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Therecipientagrees to determine applicability of information provided. If thisfile has beenprovided on optical media by Unicode, Inc., the soleremedy for any claim will beexchange of defective media within 90days of receipt.Unicode, Inc. hereby grantsthe right to freely use the informationsupplied in this file in the creation of productssupporting theUnicode Standard, and to make copies of this file in any formforinternal or external distribution as long as this notice remainsattached.2 © Copyright William E. Kempf 2001 Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute andsell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted withoutfee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both thatcopyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.William E. Kempf makes no representations about the suitability of this software forany purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.3 Copyright © 1994 Hewlett-Packard CompanyPermission to use, copy, modify,distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is herebygranted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copiesand that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supportingdocumentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no representations about thesuitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided ``as is'' without express orimplied warranty.Copyrights:copyright 1992 - 2006 by p.j. plauger and jim brodie. all rights reserved.copyright 1992-2006 by p.j. plauger. all rights reserved.ipcopyright 1992-2006 by p.j. plauger. portions derived from work copyright 1994 byhewlettpackard company. all rights reservedCopyright 1992-2006 by dinkumware, ltd. all rights reservedcopyright 1992-2006 by dinkumware, ltd. portions derived from work copyright 2001 bywilliam e. kempf. all rights reservedcopyright 1994 hewlettpackard companycopyright 1994 by hewlettpackard companycopyright william e. kempf 2001工艺模块 TM Timer DIDQ 16x24V (6ES7552‑1AA00‑0AB0)76 设备手册, 08/2014, A5E34078542-AAcopyright 1989-2006 by p.j. plauger. all rights reservedcopyright (c) by p.j. plauger. all rights reserved.copyright (c) by dinkumware, ltd. all rights reserved.copyright (c) unicode, inc. all rights reserved.(c) copyright william e. kempf 2001copyright (c) hewlettpackard companycopyright (c) by p.j. plauger. all rights reserved.copyright 2006 by dinkumware, ltd.copyright (c) by p.j. plauger, licensed by dinkumware, ltd. all rights reserved.the dinkum cec++ library reference is copyright (c) by p.j. plauger. this code is protectedby copyright. all rights reserved.the dinkum cc++ library reference is copyright (c) by p.j. plauger. this code is protectedby copyright. all rights reserved.dinkum compleat library, vc++ package (vc++ compilers only) the dinkum compleatlibrary and the dinkum compleat library reference are copyright (c) by p.j. plauger. allrights reserved.Open Source Software: GNU GCC libstdc++ / libsupc++ - 4.4.1Enclosed you'll find the license conditions and copyright notices applicable for OpenSource Software GNU GCC libstdc++ / libsupc++ - 4.4.1工艺模块 TM Timer DIDQ 16x24V (6ES7552‑1AA00‑0AB0)设备手册, 08/2014, A5E34078542-AA 77License conditions:1 LicenseThere are two licenses affecting GNU libstdc++: one for the code, and one for thedocumentation.There is a license section in the FAQ regarding common questions. If you havemore questions, ask the FSF or the gcc mailing list.The Code: GPLThe source code is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3,with the addition under section 7 of an exception described in the “GCC RuntimeLibrary Exception, version 3.1” as follows (or see the file COPYING.RUNTIME):GCC RUNTIME LIBRARY EXCEPTIONVersion 3.1, 31 March 2009Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of thislicense document, but changing it is not allowed.This GCC Runtime Library Exception ("Exception") is an additionalpermission under section 7 of the GNU General Public License, version3 ("GPLv3"). It applies to a given file (the "Runtime Library") thatbears a notice placed by the copyright holder of the file stating thatthe file is governed by GPLv3 along with this Exception.When you use GCC to compile a program, GCC may combine portions ofcertain GCC header files and runtime libraries with the compiledprogram. The purpose of this Exception is to allow compilation ofnon-GPL (including proprietary) programs to use, in this way, theheader files and runtime libraries covered by this Exception.工艺模块 TM Timer DIDQ 16x24V (6ES7552‑1AA00‑0AB0)78 设备手册, 08/2014, A5E34078542-AA0. Definitions.A file is an "Independent Module" if it either requires the RuntimeLibrary for execution after a Compilation Process, or makes use of aninterface provided by the Runtime Library, but is not otherwise basedon the Runtime Library."GCC" means a version of the GNU Compiler Collection, with or withoutmodifications, governed by version 3 (or a specified later version) ofthe GNU General Public License (GPL) with the option of using anysubsequent versions published by the FSF."GPL-compatible Software" is software whose conditions of propagation,modification and use would permit combination with GCC in accord withthe license of GCC."Target Code" refers to output from any compiler for a real or virtualtarget processor architecture, in executable form or suitable forinput to an assembler, loader, linker and/or executionphase. Notwithstanding that, Target Code does not include data in anyformat that is used as a compiler intermediate representation, or usedfor producing a compiler intermediate representation.The "Compilation Process" transforms code entirely represented innon-intermediate languages designed for human-written code, and/or inJava Virtual Machine byte code, into Target Code. Thus, for example,use of source code generators and preprocessors need not be consideredpart of the Compilation Process, since the Compilation Process can beunderstood as starting with the output of the generators orpreprocessors.A Compilation Process is "Eligible" if it is done using GCC, alone orwith other GPL-compatible software, or if it is done without using anywork based on GCC. For example, using non-GPL-compatible Software tooptimize any GCC intermediate representations would not qualify as anEligible Compilation Process.工艺模块 TM Timer DIDQ 16x24V (6ES7552‑1AA00‑0AB0)设备手册, 08/2014, A5E34078542-AA 791. Grant of Additional Permission.You have permission to propagate a work of Target Code formed bycombining the Runtime Library with Independent Modules, even if suchpropagation would otherwise violate the terms of GPLv3, provided thatall Target Code was generated by Eligible Compilation Processes. Youmay then convey such a combination under terms of your choice,consistent with the licensing of the Independent Modules.2. No Weakening of GCC Copyleft.The availability of this Exception does not imply any generalpresumption that third-party software is unaffected by the copyleftrequirements of the license