说明 登录期间指定的有效登录信息。Severity InfoFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 Reference: SR 1.1消息文本 {Local interface}: User {user name} failed to log in.示例 Console: User admin failed to log in.说明 登录期间指定的用户名称或密码错误。Severity ErrorFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 Reference: SR 1.1消息文本 {Protocol}: User {User name} logged in from {IP address}.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: User adminlogged in from说明 登录期间指定的有效登录信息。Severity InfoFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 Reference: SR 1.1消息文本 {Protocol}: User {User name} failed to log in from {IP address}.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: User adminfailed to log in from说明 登录期间指定的用户名称或密码错误。Severity ErrorFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 Reference: SR 1.1消息文本 {Local interface}: User {user name} logged out.示例 Console: User admin logged out.说明 用户会话已结束 - 注销。Severity Info附录 ASCALANCE XB-200/XC-200/XF-200BA/XP-200/XR-300WG Web Based Management V4.3.1配置手册, 11/2021, C79000-G8952-C360-13 431Facility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR 1.1消息文本 {protocol}: User {user name} logged out from {ip address}.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: User adminlogged out from说明 会话以用户注销结束。Severity InfoFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 Reference: SR 1.1消息文本 {Local interface}: Default user {user name} logged in.示例 Console: Default user admin logged in.说明 用户以默认用户名和密码登录。Severity InfoFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:n/a (NERC-CIP 007-R5)消息文本 {protocol}: Default user {user name} logged in from {ip address}.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: Default user<user name> logged in from说明 默认用户已通过 IP 地址登录。Severity InfoFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 Reference: n/a (NERC-CIP 007-R5)消息文本 {Protocol}: {IP address} - No response from the RADIUS server.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: No response from the RADIUS server.说明 未对服务器进行访问或服务器无响应。Severity ErrorFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR 1.1附录 ASCALANCE XB-200/XC-200/XF-200BA/XP-200/XR-300WG Web Based Management V4.3.1432 配置手册, 11/2021, C79000-G8952-C360-13消息文本 {Protocol}: {IP address} - No response from the IdP server.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: No response from the IdP server.说明 未对服务器进行访问或服务器无响应。Severity ErrorFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR 1.1用户帐户管理消息文本 {Protocol}: Password protection was enabled for resource {Resource}.示例 WBM: Password protection was enabled for resource FullReadAccess.说明 已为该资源启用密码保护。Severity NoticeFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR 1.3消息文本 {Protocol}: Authentication was enabled.示例 WBM: Authentication was enabled.说明 已启用验证。Severity NoticeFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR 1.3消息文本 {Protocol}: Password protection was disabled for resource {Resource}.示例 WBM: Password protection was disabled for resource FullReadAccess.说明 已为该资源禁用密码保护。Severity NoticeFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR 1.3消息文本 {Protocol}: Authentication was disabled.示例 WBM: Authentication was disabled.附录 ASCALANCE XB-200/XC-200/XF-200BA/XP-200/XR-300WG Web Based Management V4.3.1配置手册, 11/2021, C79000-G8952-C360-13 433说明 已禁用验证。Severity NoticeFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR 1.3消息文本 {protocol}: User {user name} changed own password.示例 WBM: User admin changed own password.说明 用户已更改自己的密码。Severity NoticeFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR1.3消息文本 {protocol}: User {user name} changed password of user {action username}.示例 Telnet: User admin changed password of user test.说明 用户已更改其它用户的密码。Severity NoticeFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR1.3消息文本 {Protocol}: User {User name} disabled user-account {Destination username}.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: User <Username> disabled user-account {Destination user name}.说明 经过身份验证的用户屏蔽了其他用户的用户帐户。Severity NoticeFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR 2.4消息文本 {Protocol}: User {User name} enabled user-account {Destination username}.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: User <Username> enabled user-account {Destination user name}.说明 经过身份验证的用户屏蔽了其他用户的用户帐户。附录 ASCALANCE XB-200/XC-200/XF-200BA/XP-200/XR-300WG Web Based Management V4.3.1434 配置手册, 11/2021, C79000-G8952-C360-13Severity NoticeFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR 2.4消息文本 {Protocol}: Default admin account was changed to {User name}.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: Default adminaccount was changed to maier.说明 默认管理员帐户已更改。Severity NoticeFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR 1.3消息文本 {Protocol}: Default user account was changed to {User name}.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: Default useraccount was changed to <new user>.说明 默认帐户已更改Severity NoticeFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 Reference: SR 1.3消息文本 {protocol}: User {user name} created user-account {action user name}.示例 WBM: User admin created user-account service.说明 用户已创建一个帐户。Severity NoticeFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR1.3消息文本 {Protocol}: User {User name} changed user-account {Destination username} with role {Role}.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: User adminchanged user-account admin2 with role Administrator.说明 管理员已更改现有帐户。Severity Notice附录 ASCALANCE XB-200/XC-200/XF-200BA/XP-200/XR-300WG Web Based Management V4.3.1配置手册, 11/2021, C79000-G8952-C360-13 435Facility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR 1.3消息文本 {protocol}: User {user name} deleted user-account {action user name}.示例 WBM: User admin deleted user-account service.说明 管理员已删除现有帐户。Severity NoticeFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR1.3授权执行消息文本 {Protocol}: The firewall {Firewall rule} for User {User name} was granted.Timeout is {Timeout} min.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: The firewallRule 1 for User admin was granted. Timeout is 44 min.说明 已保证重要资源的访问权限。Severity InfoFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:n/a (NERC-CIP 005-R2)消息文本 {Protocol}: The firewall {Firewall rule} for {Trigger pin} was granted.Timeout is {Timeout} min.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: The firewallRule 1 for DI1 was granted. Timeout is 44 min.说明 已保证重要资源的访问权限。Severity InfoFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:n/a (NERC-CIP 005-R2)消息文本 {Protocol}: The firewall {Firewall rule} for User {User name} was denied.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: The firewallRule 1 for User admin was denied.说明 重要资源的访问被拒绝。Severity Error附录 ASCALANCE XB-200/XC-200/XF-200BA/XP-200/XR-300WG Web Based Management V4.3.1436 配置手册, 11/2021, C79000-G8952-C360-13Facility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR 2.1消息文本 {Protocol}: The firewall {Firewall rule} for {Trigger pin} was denied.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: The firewallRule 1 for DI1 was denied.说明 重要资源的访问被拒绝。Severity ErrorFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR 2.1消息文本 {Protocol}: The firewall {Firewall rule} for User {User name} was deniedby administrator.示例 WBM / UDP / TCP / Telnet / SSH / Console / PNIO / PB / OPC: The firewallRule 1 for User maier was denied by administrator.说明 重要资源的访问被拒绝。Severity ErrorFacility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR 2.1标识符管理消息文本 {Protocol}: User {User name} created group {Group} and assigned torole {Role}.示例 WBM: User admin created group it-service and assigned to role service.说明 管理员已创建组并为其分配角色。Severity 注意Facility local0标准 IEC 62443-3-3 参考:SR 1.4消息文本 {Protocol}: User {User name} deleted group {Group} and the role {Role}assignment.示例 WBM: User maier deleted group it-service and the role serviceassignment.说明 管理员已删除现有组及角色分配。